Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Engaging with our patients on and off line.

Engaging with our patients on and off line.

Sunderland CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) is holding the next LEB (Local Engagement Board) on Thursday, 24th April 2014 , 10.30am – 12.30pm at The Hetton Centre, Welfare Road, Hetton-le-Hole  Tea and coffee will be available from 10.15am.
At this meeting the CCG will be talking about its Vision and Strategic Priorities for the next 5 years and give an overview of  our 10 ‘big priorities’ for 2014 - 2016
This is a good opportunity for you to advise the CCG how they can better involve
patients and the public with their plans

If you wish to attend or would like some information contact Jaclyn Hall on: 0191 512 8486 or email:

There is a lot going on in Sunderland, both within our practices, in our localities and also at SCCG.  All of us are looking at new ways of engaging with yourselves.  One would think this is an easy thing to do but must say not as easy as you think.  Our practice is trying to engage with everyone young and not so young.  Some via the website, the blog and even twitter.  Others in house but, we have to have the patients come into the surgery to let them know what’s happening.  If you can think of other ways then please do let me know.  I am off work now for the next couple of weeks and then only back here and there but I will be picking up emails

An update on our patient group vacancies….  We have two and looking to recruit 2 young people 16 – 25 yrs preferably.  After discussions with the PPG we recognise we need to have the younger voice and idea’s.  If you are a patient and would like to be considered for the group please let me know.  We really do want to engage with our younger population.

The practice has offered a Learning Disability Health Checks to anyone over the age of 18 years.  This has now been lowered to 14 years. One of our team will be in touch over the year to offer an appointment.

I had to contact the police last week.  Its amazing how children get into the surgery when it is closed.  My main concerns are that if they get hurt no-one may know they are inside (as it looks all locked up and secure with an 18 foot fence from the outside) and secondly the damage they are causing whilst inside. It appears that the fence panels have been cut.  This is a cost of over £100 to replace.  As you can imagine,  I am not happy at all.

Fortunately we have cameras all around and inside the surgery.  Some you may not even recognise the cameras, you may not be aware of how far and wide the camera can see but an example is not only can I see everything in our carpark but I can also see the adjacent car park, and that is just one camera. I have many more.  The police have taken away still shots and action has been taken.

We try very hard to keep the surgery nice for our patients and I am not going to allow anyone to spoil that. Every time I have evidence I hand this over to the police.  A big thank you to Harvey our community police officer who has been fantastic and is very supportive.

And even though I am off for a short time, I have a system that I can log onto at home so I can still watch the CCTV. Just ask my staff, I often email them and ask them to wave at me. 

Be in touch with you all soon, possibly from my NHS hospital bed. 


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Looking ahead.. and beyond

It was a busy week last week with end of year, discussing the results of the practice questionnaire with the patient group (uploaded onto the website), meeting with the new NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens  listening to his first speech, taking part in a GP Pulse magazine 24 hours in GP land and going to the Sunderland Echo best of health awards. 

End of year is over and it all starts again. Figures I printed late 31.3.14 differ very slightly from national figures. Ok so only slightly BUT it should not differ at all. Think I know why it does BUT still should not differ. This is a system the government introduced and either that has flaws or the software system we use.  Thank goodness for the super spreadsheet that’s been developed locally and made cqrs end of year simpler with comparisons to match us against other practices.   

This year is going to be a challenge as constant code checking before monthly extractions is going to be a nightmare.

Your probably thinking ‘what is she going on about’ but just so you know if we don’t hit our targets, just like any other business we don’t get paid.

At our recent staff meeting we took the decision to email patients when they are due to be seen however as mobile numbers seem to get changed as often as Christmas comes around we are going to run a campaign to ensure the data we have is up to date. I will ask our web team to see if the form can be uploaded now more of you are using the internet.

Don’t forget to call in and buy a raffle ticket this week.. some lovely prices, a food hamper, a drinks basket, a box full of chocolates and more.  Tickets 50p a strip and all proceeds to the Sunderland ‘s Hug in a Bag appeal.    Later in the year we are holding a ‘handbag sale’ and then the two Lynn’s are doing the 3 peak challenge in September.  

Just before I go I attended the Sunderland Echo Best of Health Awards.  It was so nice to see those who work in the NHS being recognised for all their hard work. But a special mention from me to the lady who organised it behind the scenes Lynn Wild  (from the Echo).  The night was a huge success.  I tweeted a lot but must admit need some training on this.. 

Best go and press the button to accept my end of year so we can get paid.