Monday, 31 March 2014

End of Year Giddiness or is it hysterics

With less than 2 hours to go I along with almost all Practice Managers in the country are checking that everything we have to do for end of year is done… excluding the accounts of course which is for another day including the tax man and his RTI submissions. (Reminder to self..must make that call to Tina at B W Medical Accountants)

Never before have we had to tick so many boxes, look at so many systems and report to so many different bodies…

Tick lists, check lists, coded lists and even a list of those things we think has been done but not received acknowledgement for.

Hairdresser this week will be shocked when she see’s the amount of grey hair I have.

The best thing….  Going shopping this weekend… We are free…. Well for another week anyway until we are hit with next years targets.

Yes,  we in general practice don’t just see patients (that’s for the clinicians), the rest of us have to run a business.

On a positive note we have uploaded our patient survey (after meeting with the patient group) onto the website.  The practice team and the patient group are very pleased with the results. As one of our patient group said ‘overall a very positive report’

Tomorrow is another day and  I am taking part in a 'day in a life of' survey.  Not sure how this will work but I do believe every hour I need to upload where I am and what I'm doing..  I can tell them now.. sitting with Joanne biting our nails to make sure the figures have gone through so that we can get paid....  then off to the CCG Executive meeting and then off to meet the new NHS England Chief Executive - Mr Simon Stevens. Now that should be interesting !   I think the giddiness and hysteria is going to last a while longer.

And breathe....


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