Thursday, 7 November 2013

This weeks news......

Oh my its been a busy week

The surgery continues to be full with people coming in to get the flu vaccine.  If your eligible please contact the surgery to make an appointment.    I promise you the nurse is very gentle.

We have had enquiries about the babies born between 1st May 2013 and 7th August 2013 in Sunderland Royal who were on the Neonatal Unit. Staff at Sunderland Royal Hospital are telephoning as well as hand delivering letters to patients inviting the babies along to dedicated clinics.  The risk we have been informed is extremely low.   A dedicated helpline is in place 8am to 8pm 07810 63810

Some of our patients have been receiving letters from a pharmacy2U and some have other names.  I am told they are posting letters to patients (they get the names from the electoral role) and offer to get their prescriptions.   I want our patients to know this has nothing at all to do with us.  Patient information is not and will never be given to pharmacy companies in fact I am very surprised that they can cold canvas like this.  In our surgery we have leaflets of 'local' pharmacies who offer this service and if you cant get to the surgery patients can telephone reception and ask them the options.  Any problems with them please do let me know.

From next week I will be one of those people who work from home !!! I don't know if I am looking forward to it or not. Its not that I don't want to come in to work but the fact I wont be able to drive... although if you ask others they reckon I can drive alright, drive them up the wall and probably will being caged in.  I have had offers to give me lifts to work and I'm sure I will take this offer up. It makes you appreciate your freedom when its taken away albeit only a short time.  Me being aka Mrs Claus is having to get organised much earlier.  How do people shop when they cant get around ! Internet I suppose, but what if they don't have access to the internet ??? family and friends.. but what if they don't know anyone ???  this is something that is really starting to make me think.  Lets look at our neighbours and really take an interest and ask ourselves how do they manage day to day.  Lets do something that has no price... lets offer a little more kindness..

ps..   I may not be at work but virtually I will be and my next blog will be from home..

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