Monday, 30 December 2013

Join me in my New Years Resolution

What will your New Year Resolution be ?  Or do you not make one as you know it will be broken within the first week.  That has been me over the last few years but this year its going to be different.  This year I am going to stick to it.  I have 3 wedding to go to in 2014,  One being my friends daughters, one being my BFF and one being the most wonderful lad in the world ‘my son’. They have chosen to marry in a hot country so no covering up with a coat!   

I’ve come to terms now that he is not my property, that he has grown up and that he can share his love another. Now that I’ve accepted this I’m ready to look forward to his special big day and want to look and feel good myself.  I dare say all you mothers know exactly what I am writing about haha.

My resolution is I am going to lose weight and once the moon boot is off I’m going back to the gym to workout. It may sound easy to some of you out there but to me steak and leek suet puddings, take aways, biscuits and cheese and a glass of wine on a weekend is going to be hard to give up.

 I can’t cheat now as I have committed myself by telling you and worse than that I have told the nurses here at work.  Did you know our surgery can help you if you want to join me on this mission.  Once a month they are going to weigh me, give diet and life style advice.  If you’re a patients, why not join me and come along to our drop in session (free of charge). I promise to ban the magazines with super thin models !!

So come on you men and women out there set yourself a challenge and join me in  staying off the drink a;beit in moderation (at least for 1 month) and losing weight (over the next 12 months)

Just think how good we will be feeling come February. If you want to join me please leave at message at reception.

Happy New Year everyone


Monday, 23 December 2013

Denise Welch (Gurteen) making the draw

Merry Christmas from all at Westbourne Medical Group

It’s the 23rd of December and everyone is buzzing for Christmas. The practice doors will be open until 6pm Christmas eve and re-open 27th at 8am (telephones 8.30am) 

The staff are having the lunch together which I must say does not happen very often.

A big thankyou to Denise Gurteen one of our patient group members who has been in selling raffle tickets for a local charity  ‘hug in a bag’ appeal.

The raffle has been drawn (by Denise) and the numbers are as follows.  The practice will telephone the lucky winners

The amount raised through the raffle. The Patient Group fund and by staff donating money in place of buying Christmas cards has come to a grand total of £270.00    
A big thankyou to everyone for supporting this fantastic local charity.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a new year full of love good health and lots of laughter


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Monday, 9 December 2013

'Tis the Season to be jolly !

Well its that time of year again, the time when we say to ourselves I'm not going to drink to much at the Christmas Party.. yet again most of us do and the famous last  words 'never again' unless of course you are known as Joanne.. I can say Joanne does not drink often but when she does it just does not seem to affect her like us does us... for example me... two lagers and I'm giggly and gone... Joanne 6 southern comforts and 'nothing' not tipsy nothing... just as well she don't drink that often otherwise she would have no money.

A reminder to you all  that alcohol can affect people in different ways, some get drunk quick, some are happy whilst some cry.   Some end up in Accident and Emergency so I would ask you all before you hit the holiday drinks, know your limits.... please don't put extra pressure on A&E this holiday season. Let the medical team look after those who's lives are in danger eg someone could be having a heart attack or stroke

Secondly, leave your car keys at home, don't drink and drive.

Good new or is it.....   I have set up a tweet account...  gloriaatwbmg.....  just a beginner and must say not sure at all what to do with it... but trying to stay ahead of the times.

CHRISTMAS OPENING TIMES.... all information is posted on the website.


Monday, 25 November 2013

Get Well Soon on the NHS

I am sitting with my foot up whilst I write this albeit with my foot in plaster. All I can say my Consultant Mr Siddique and the staff were fantastic.   I was met at reception and shown to my room, I was introduced to so many staff all of which explained in full what was to happen and what would happen next.  The meals I could not complain about as they were as good as any 5 star hotel and there was free parking!  And before anyone asks YES I was an NHS patient.

Through Choose and Book we all have a choice of where we want to go.. I chose to see Mr Siddique I chose the Nuffield and I made these choices as a NHS Patient.  We can all choose where and when we want to be seen now as long as the hospital provides that service.  Did I get this service because I work in the NHS ? definitely not.  The others in at the same time as me all experienced what I experienced.  All I can say is it  helped with my recovery.  Thankyou Mr Siddique and the team albeit I still have a way to go on the road to full recovery. Thank you to you all for my lovely cards, flowers, basket of fruit and many messages. I was overwhelmed.  

This then got me thinking about how others manage day to day when they may not be as active as myself.  I have been doing a daily update to my friends on how to cope with the crutches.  Maybe I will write a beginners guide to using the crutches and hand this out to patients.   I am doing impressions of the Karate Kid but not sure this is going down well by the look on the faces. Well laughter is supposed to be the best medicine. 

Working from home is not the norm.. I have software called away from my desk which allows me to see log on as if I am sitting in front of my desk (all secure of course).  I can log onto the cctv and I think this spooked the girls at first when I told them someone with a grey coat on was in reception. Certainly not going to be a case of 'while the cat is away'.  Having said that we have a fantastic team who always pull together and I for one could not do my job without them.   

I even managed to have a skype meeting from home.  Next week I am going to start a guest blog.. this should be fun so watch this space. Please do get in touch if there is anything you would like me to mention on my blog that may be of interest to other patients. 

Till next time 


Thursday, 7 November 2013

This weeks news......

Oh my its been a busy week

The surgery continues to be full with people coming in to get the flu vaccine.  If your eligible please contact the surgery to make an appointment.    I promise you the nurse is very gentle.

We have had enquiries about the babies born between 1st May 2013 and 7th August 2013 in Sunderland Royal who were on the Neonatal Unit. Staff at Sunderland Royal Hospital are telephoning as well as hand delivering letters to patients inviting the babies along to dedicated clinics.  The risk we have been informed is extremely low.   A dedicated helpline is in place 8am to 8pm 07810 63810

Some of our patients have been receiving letters from a pharmacy2U and some have other names.  I am told they are posting letters to patients (they get the names from the electoral role) and offer to get their prescriptions.   I want our patients to know this has nothing at all to do with us.  Patient information is not and will never be given to pharmacy companies in fact I am very surprised that they can cold canvas like this.  In our surgery we have leaflets of 'local' pharmacies who offer this service and if you cant get to the surgery patients can telephone reception and ask them the options.  Any problems with them please do let me know.

From next week I will be one of those people who work from home !!! I don't know if I am looking forward to it or not. Its not that I don't want to come in to work but the fact I wont be able to drive... although if you ask others they reckon I can drive alright, drive them up the wall and probably will being caged in.  I have had offers to give me lifts to work and I'm sure I will take this offer up. It makes you appreciate your freedom when its taken away albeit only a short time.  Me being aka Mrs Claus is having to get organised much earlier.  How do people shop when they cant get around ! Internet I suppose, but what if they don't have access to the internet ??? family and friends.. but what if they don't know anyone ???  this is something that is really starting to make me think.  Lets look at our neighbours and really take an interest and ask ourselves how do they manage day to day.  Lets do something that has no price... lets offer a little more kindness..

ps..   I may not be at work but virtually I will be and my next blog will be from home..

Monday, 28 October 2013

Hug in a Bag

Those of you who know me will tell you I am an emotional person but today Lynn our Nurse not only brought tears to my eyes but made me realise how lucky we are and that people still do care about each other. 

Lynn met with one of the founders from 'hug in a bag' which is an organisation formed by three local ladies who met, laughed, cried and supported each other during their treatment for breast cancer.

Each of the three ladies coped in their own way but found that sharing their thoughts, anxieties and concerns was extremely helpful.

The aim is to give one more hug in the form of a bag containing gifts, information leaflets and discount vouchers to every person diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Sunderland Royal Hospital.

The ladies themselves can have no contact with patients due to confidentiality however as a practice Lynn can pass the hug on to our patients.  

Oh my...I have seen the contents of the bag and must say how lovely this is... how thoughtful.

For more information email or visit

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Do you want to share your some of your personal information ....that is the ?

Do you know that the Health & Social Care Information Centre
NHS England is commissioning a modern data service from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of the entire health and social care system.
Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012, NHS England has the power to direct the HSCIC to collect information from all providers of NHS care, including general practices.
GP data is to be extracted each month commencing October/November 2013. The information to be extracted is NHS number, date of birth, postcode and gender which will allow patients’ data to be linked to their hospital data. No free text will be extracted, only coded information about referrals, NHS prescriptions and other clinical data.  

You do have a choice albeit within a short period of time to opt out. Ask me what I am doing... well those who know will know ! 

Leaflets are available from the Reception  

Monday, 21 October 2013

Just when I plucked up the courage !

Just when i plucked up the courage to get the flu vaccine I cam down with a cold.. runny nose that keeps bleeding,  throat like glass and feeling fuzzy in the head.  I know the nurse wont give me the vaccine till this passes by... beginning to think its all psychological at the thought of having the jab of the needle. 

I am told by my staff that it did not hurt them, they say they did not even know they had it so why do I feel that  A) it will hurt  B) my arm will ache forever  C) I will get flu !!!   I'm sure others feel the same as me.     

Come on Gloria give yourself a after this passes I will be strong and brave and have my flu vaccine.  

We have plenty in stock at the moment, we have open clinics so for those of you who do feel the same as me lets join together and beat this feeling and beat the flu.  

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Dont forget the Travel Insurance...

Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you when I travel abroad I am know as Mrs First Aid.  Thought I was equipped for most things but ear syringing  is not one of them.  Yes you've guessed it the ears needed syringing.  
Option 1. go to the local doctor who works in the hospital (in Jamaica) and you would have been classed as category 4.  This means you would have to wait until the next day to be seen or maybe the day after....   Option 2 see the Nurse at the hotel who cannot do ear syringing.. or she could but she is not allowed and the Doctor had to be called.  Not only did the Doctor try to syringe the ears but due to the old equipment and plunger managed to soak the clothes.    COST   $271.00 dollars   $170 for Doctor,  $40 ear ears & $21 disposables.  At lease I can claim back from my insurance however it still carries a £50 excess...     There are two good points to this  1. get the ears syringed before you go away and 2 make sure you get insured...  no money no one will treat you !!!

Makes me appreciate our NHS ...

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Flu Vaccines arriving ...

Watch out over the next week as the flu vaccines are arriving in...  contact teh surgery to make an appointment,

Are you housebound then no need to worry, our friendly nursing team will be more than happy to come to your home to make sure that you dont miss out.  All you need to do is contact the practice or get someone to do it for you.  Stay safe this winter and get your flu vaccine...

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Gloria's Video from City Hospitals Sunderland

Understanding why some patients go to A&E when there are other NHS services available is the focus of a special project this week led by the city’s new GP-led health commissioning group, NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). It is hoped the work will help understand why patients choose to attend A&E over other services and hopefully identify how best to raise awareness of the other services that are available.
Each year the A&E department in Sunderland sees approximately 92,000 patients, an average of more than 250 patients each day. It is believed a large proportion of these patients could have been treated by other services or self-treated with basic first aid and advice.
Sunderland CCG Chair, Ian Pattison, said: “We are committed to involving patients when planning new health services and developing existing services. We hope this work will provide us with an insight into why patients attend A&E, in some cases inappropriately, and help us identify services that could be provided or better advertised to reduce the demand on A&E.
“A&E is an emergency service that should only be used when people are badly injured or show the symptoms of serious illness.”
“In order to save patients time and inconvenience, and allow accident and emergency staff to concentrate their efforts on those most in need, we need to find out why people are attending A&E when there are a range of other health services that may be more appropriate (including self- care, NHS 111, pharmacists, dentists, GPs, minor injury and illness units/walk-in centres).”
Sunderland CCG is urging the public to consider if the following could be used before attending A&E:
  1. A well-stocked medicine cabinet will help you deal with many common illnesses such as coughs, colds and stomach upsets.
  2. Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help, and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
  3. Your local pharmacist is able to give friendly expert advice regarding over the counter medication that can help with a wide range of common conditions without an appointment.
  4. GPs offer medical advice, examinations and prescriptions for more persistent health problems. Your GP has your records and knows your medical history, medicines and allergies.
  5. Walk-in centres are GP/Nurse led centres at which you do not need an appointment to be seen. You will be seen in priority order by a doctor or experienced nurse. Walk-in centres are open every day of the year.
Sunderland CCG will use the findings from this work to help plan its services over winter – a time when the demand on all services increases

Shingles Vaccine... 70 AND 79 years Young

Well I must say the information we have received on first sight reads different when you actually read it... Its NOT   70 to 79 years young who are eligible BUT only those who are 70  AND  79 years young.. Well what about the 71 - 78 yrs....  Lets see what 2014 brings.

Just for the record, you can get the vaccine even if you have had shingles in the past, that is if your 70 yr or 79 years young..  We have started to call patients in for an appointment however you need not wait for us, make an appointment at reception.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Save a life - give blood

The blood transfusion service will be at the Community Centre Wensleydale Avenue, Penshaw on Tuesday 17th September.  14:00 to 15:45  & 16.30 to 19.00
Please call 0300 1232323 to make an appointment for this session or visit

Its about caring and sharing so come on you lot, you don't need to keep it all to yourself its good to share.  AND, you will get a drink and biscuit afterwards.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Call to Action

Sunderland Clinical Commissiong Group (SCCG) is holding a meeting at the 
Stadium of Light on Thursday September 26th 6 - 8 pm
This is your opportunity to come along and have a say.  If you wish to attend log onto latest news on our website

Friday, 19 July 2013

Its another lovely day outside

Dont forget to use the sun cream and wear a hat.  Also drink plenty.. seen many cases of dehydration as many of us forget to stop for a long drink.