Monday, 30 December 2013

Join me in my New Years Resolution

What will your New Year Resolution be ?  Or do you not make one as you know it will be broken within the first week.  That has been me over the last few years but this year its going to be different.  This year I am going to stick to it.  I have 3 wedding to go to in 2014,  One being my friends daughters, one being my BFF and one being the most wonderful lad in the world ‘my son’. They have chosen to marry in a hot country so no covering up with a coat!   

I’ve come to terms now that he is not my property, that he has grown up and that he can share his love another. Now that I’ve accepted this I’m ready to look forward to his special big day and want to look and feel good myself.  I dare say all you mothers know exactly what I am writing about haha.

My resolution is I am going to lose weight and once the moon boot is off I’m going back to the gym to workout. It may sound easy to some of you out there but to me steak and leek suet puddings, take aways, biscuits and cheese and a glass of wine on a weekend is going to be hard to give up.

 I can’t cheat now as I have committed myself by telling you and worse than that I have told the nurses here at work.  Did you know our surgery can help you if you want to join me on this mission.  Once a month they are going to weigh me, give diet and life style advice.  If you’re a patients, why not join me and come along to our drop in session (free of charge). I promise to ban the magazines with super thin models !!

So come on you men and women out there set yourself a challenge and join me in  staying off the drink a;beit in moderation (at least for 1 month) and losing weight (over the next 12 months)

Just think how good we will be feeling come February. If you want to join me please leave at message at reception.

Happy New Year everyone


Monday, 23 December 2013

Denise Welch (Gurteen) making the draw

Merry Christmas from all at Westbourne Medical Group

It’s the 23rd of December and everyone is buzzing for Christmas. The practice doors will be open until 6pm Christmas eve and re-open 27th at 8am (telephones 8.30am) 

The staff are having the lunch together which I must say does not happen very often.

A big thankyou to Denise Gurteen one of our patient group members who has been in selling raffle tickets for a local charity  ‘hug in a bag’ appeal.

The raffle has been drawn (by Denise) and the numbers are as follows.  The practice will telephone the lucky winners

The amount raised through the raffle. The Patient Group fund and by staff donating money in place of buying Christmas cards has come to a grand total of £270.00    
A big thankyou to everyone for supporting this fantastic local charity.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a new year full of love good health and lots of laughter


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Monday, 9 December 2013

'Tis the Season to be jolly !

Well its that time of year again, the time when we say to ourselves I'm not going to drink to much at the Christmas Party.. yet again most of us do and the famous last  words 'never again' unless of course you are known as Joanne.. I can say Joanne does not drink often but when she does it just does not seem to affect her like us does us... for example me... two lagers and I'm giggly and gone... Joanne 6 southern comforts and 'nothing' not tipsy nothing... just as well she don't drink that often otherwise she would have no money.

A reminder to you all  that alcohol can affect people in different ways, some get drunk quick, some are happy whilst some cry.   Some end up in Accident and Emergency so I would ask you all before you hit the holiday drinks, know your limits.... please don't put extra pressure on A&E this holiday season. Let the medical team look after those who's lives are in danger eg someone could be having a heart attack or stroke

Secondly, leave your car keys at home, don't drink and drive.

Good new or is it.....   I have set up a tweet account...  gloriaatwbmg.....  just a beginner and must say not sure at all what to do with it... but trying to stay ahead of the times.

CHRISTMAS OPENING TIMES.... all information is posted on the website.
